If you’re serious about good coffee then a grinder is one of the best purchases you could make.

Whilst we can offer you an amazing selection of artisan roasted coffee beans, the perfect cup of coffee is a result of many different variables. Freshness is one of these key variables and has a huge impact on the end result.

The moment coffee beans are ground, their flavour begins to dissipate; a result of the oils inside the bean oxidising as they are exposed to air.

Stale coffee grounds will produce a stale, flat taste and affect consistency, with no hope of achieving that beautiful crema on top of your espresso.

Regardless of whether you use espresso, plunger or drip filter equipment, grinding your beans as you go will make a big difference to the quality of your home brewed coffees by achieving a grind that is more precise and matched to your choice of brewing method.


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Quick Mill Sirio Home Compact Coffee Grinder
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Quick Mill Sirio Home Compact Coffee Grinder

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Nemo-Q/E Home Coffee Grinder

Nemo-Q/E Home Coffee Grinder

 <img src=“ Bellezza Piccola 60 Titanio V2 Coffee Grinder.png” alt=“ Bellezza Piccola 60 Titanio V2 Coffee Grinder”>
 <img src=“ Bellezza Piccola 60 Titanio V2 Coffee Grinder.png” alt=“ Bellezza Piccola 60 Titanio V2 Coffee Grinder”>

Bellezza Piccola 60 Titanio V2 Coffee Grinder

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Quamar Q50-Electric Coffee Grinder (ON SALE)

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Quamar Q50S Push Coffee Grinder (ON SALE)

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WPM Domestic Coffee Grinder (White)
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WPM Domestic Coffee Grinder (White)

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WPM Domestic Coffee Grinder (Black)

WPM Domestic Coffee Grinder (Black)






Contact Synergy Coffee Co.

Ph: 0428115145

Email: grant@synergycoffeeco.com.au

Monday: 8:30 - 5:30pm
Tuesday: 8:30 - 5:30pm
Wednesday: 8:30 - 5:30pm
Thursday: 8:30 - 5:30pm
Friday: 8:30 - 5:30pm

Synergy Coffee Co, PO Box 211, Kotara NSW 2289

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